Attention parents & guardians of 8th graders!📣 You're invited to Future Freshman night on Wednesday, May 29 from 6:00-7:00PM in the High School Commons.
Check your mail for a letter from our counselor, Lori Heitmeyer, or read her message below:
WELCOME TO KINGSLEY HIGH SCHOOL! We are excited to invite you to this year’s Future Freshman Night. We know you (and your families) come into your freshman year excited, nervous, and with many questions. It is during this orientation that we will go over high school expectations, introduce the clubs and activities to get involved in for next year, and more. Mrs. Heitmeyer will also cover future CTC options as well as dual enrollment criteria. This is a great opportunity to prepare for your freshman year.
We will cover the following topics:
Michigan’s graduation requirements
KHS Credits and transcripts (Credit Tracker)
Class Rank/Kingsley Top 10
Courses/Freshman Schedule
Activities and Clubs
Dual Enrollment
Athletic opportunities
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Questions? Email Lori Heitmeyer at lheitmeyer@kingsleyschools.org