By Matt Schelich
Kingsley High School Teacher
Head Coach Girls Basketball

The 2023 Kingsley Hoop Clinic will be held June 14-16 at Kingsley High School for girls in 3rd-8th grade.
Times will be:
8:30AM - 10:30AM for 3rd - 6th graders
10:00AM - Noon for 7th and 8th graders
Players will receive instruction, drills for skill development, team games, and individual contests.
The camp cost is $50. All players will receive a camp t-shirt and a basketball. Siblings are half-price. (Two girls = $75). Payment can be made in advance or at the door, with checks being made payable to Kingsley Area Schools.
If you plan on attending, please return a signup slip with your email, name, grade for fall 2023, adult t-shirt size, contact phone number and alternate phone to Matt Schelich. Sign-ups can also be done at the door.
Please reach out if you have any questions.