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Kingsley Middle School: Together We Believe and Achieve

Updated: Sep 13, 2024

“Together We Believe and Achieve!”

We use our mission statement as a call and response that begins all of our school assemblies. It can be heard by any student if you stop to ask them.

Our success comes as a result of working together: Kingsley Middle School is recognized for its excellence as a “Schools to Watch” school (state and national), and only one of two designated “Marzano Demonstration Middle Schools” in the United States. We are proud of our achievements in providing the best education possible for kids.

Performing Arts On par with our academic excellence is our pride in performing arts. The band program continues to receive top honors in local and state competitions. Band at the middle school level begins in 6th grade with daily instruction and ends with 7th and 8th grade concert band. We have a very dynamic choir program. Students perform at school events as well as special events in the community.

In 2023, the Middle School Drama Club performed their first musical, Alice@Wonderland!

Community Connection We connect with our community through our annual Veteran’s Day Program. This is a special event each November to commemorate our Veterans through the gift of youth and music. We also connect with our parents and community through our Student Leadership Council. This organization has a focus on student leadership, service learning, and representing student needs. Parents of students on the leadership council participate bi-weekly to provide input and share in their student’s experiences.

Annual Open House An open house is held each year with the purpose of providing parents with a time in which to visit the school and meet with teachers and staff. During this time, a general meeting is held in the gym for each grade level to explain policies and procedures for the school year. After the general meeting, students and parents visit classrooms to meet their individual teachers.

Family Communication

  • Progress reports are sent home in addition to the report cards at the end of the grading period.

  • Parents may also view their child’s progress in real time using our online Parent Grade Viewer.

  • Additionally, a school messaging system is in place that sends pertinent information to parents and families via phone messages about upcoming events and important announcements.

  • Teachers and principals send out regular parent newsletters and use digital communication apps to stay connected

Positive Student Recognition Our Character Counts program recognizes life skills students perform in school. Students recognized by staff receive a particular character count acclimation and congratulation from the school office. KMS also has a Student of the Month program recognizing students who show exceptional skills and are models to other students in their classes. Students are awarded with their picture posted on a bulletin board and a pizza party.

We are a Reading School We know that reading leads directly to academic achievement and Kingsley Middle School pulls out all of the stops to make this happen. We have a mandated 25-minute sustained reading time for all students as well as additional literacy support programs including our Adolescence Critical Reading Intervention program that has had incredible results bringing students up 3-5 grade levels in reading comprehension in just one semester. March is Reading Month is also a very dramatic and relished time in March when our school hosts a school-wide Battle of the Books program.

Data and Informed Practices Our school uses data-informed practices to help students achieve their highest potential. Students are tracked through their NWEA reading and math assessments three times a year. Individual interventions in math and reading are applied along with additional class time and support for larger groups of students. Our best interventions come first from our classroom teachers utilizing best practices in cooperative learning, innovative instructional practices, and ongoing formative assessment. Our staff believes that there is nothing more effective than the regular assessment of whether students are learning what you are teaching and modifying your practice along the way to those ends.

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