Kingsley High School
Freshman Orientation
Thursday, August 24 I 10AM-12PM
Freshmen will be given a tour by KHS students and will have all of their questions answered. Students will have a pizza lunch before heading home.
Parents that would like to stay will meet in the library (air-conditioned!!!!) with Principal Rapes while your student(s) tour with their peers.
General High School Open House
Monday, August 28 I 6:30-8:00PM
We look forward to seeing everyone! WELCOME!!!!!
Kingsley Middle School
5th Grade Orientation
Thursday, August 24 I 6PM-8PM
Calling all incoming 5th Grade families: join us for orientation on August 24 in addition
to the KMS Open House on August 28.
We will cover the following topics:
🔸 Schedules
🔸 Learning how to operate a locker
🔸 Signing parents up for PowerSchool Parent Portal
and Class Dojo
🔸 Learning how middle school is different than
elementary school
General Middle School Open House
Monday, August 28 I 6:30-8:00PM
Kingsley Elementary
General Elementary School Open House
Monday, August 28 I 6:30-8:00PM