Exciting News…
Kingsley High School is excited to announce a new freshman orientation program for this fall!
Who: All incoming freshmen, including new enrollees.
What: Freshman/New Student Orientation
When: Thursday, August 24 from 10:00 - Noon (Plan to arrive at school at 9:45)
Where: High School Commons
Why: Students will have the opportunity to:
Get their schedules
Practice locker combinations
Take a guided tour of the building
Walk through their daily schedule
Be prepared for the start of the new year
Important to note:
This is an event for students only (no parents necessary)
A chance to win prizes
There will be a pizza lunch at the conclusion of orientation
Please plan to arrive at school at 9:45 and report to the Commons
We are excited to see all of you next Thursday!
Questions? Email Lori Heitmeyer at lheitmeyer@kingsleyschools.org or Principal Rapes at crapes@kingsleyschools.org or Assistant Principal Cody Wagatha at cwagatha@kingsleyschools.org